The raffle is organised by ALCAR WHEELS GMBH, Leobersdorferstraße 24, 2552 Hirtenberg/Austria. Entrants cannot assert a claim against Facebook that arises in connection with the participation and the use of the raffle. Entrants accept that the raffle is by no means sponsored, supported or organised by Facebook and is by no means connected to Facebook, respectively. All information and data that are disclosed by or obtained from users in connection with the raffle are provided by the organiser and not by Facebook. All enquiries and indications regarding the raffle must be directed to the organiser and not to Facebook. By participating in the raffle users are agreeing to be bound by these conditions of participation.
The raffle is open to all Facebook users above the age of 18 at the time of participation. Participation is free of charge.
The raffle participation period is stated directly in the raffle. The raffle mechanism is explained in the raffle participation window. The prizes will be announced in the campaign posting.
The winner will be informed in a private message via Facebook.
Employees of the organiser as well as other persons involved in the conception and implementation of the campaign are excluded from participation. Persons who resort to illicit means or benefit in any other way from manipulation will also be excluded. Optionally, in such cases, the prize can be revoked retrospectively and reclaimed. Persons who give false personal details will be excluded as well. Participation by raffle associations, automated services or other service providers is not permissible. In case of violation of these conditions of participation the organiser reserves the right to exclude persons from the raffle and to not give out prizes and to revoke or reclaim them, respectively.
As part of the raffle the personal details of entrants (name and address of winner) are collected. These data will be processed and used by the organiser solely for the purpose of carrying out the campaign in compliance with legal regulations. Entrants can have their personal details deleted at any time. Exempt from this are data which the organiser is legally bound to store.
The organiser reserves the right to discontinue or cancel the raffle at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons, as long as it is necessary according to reasonable aspects, especially due to technical or legal reasons. The organiser will make use of this option especially if the proper implementation of the raffle cannot be ensured due to technical reasons (e.g. computer system virus, manipulation or errors in hardware and/or software). If such a cancellation is caused by the conduct of an entrant the organiser may ask the respective person to recompense the resulting damage.
Entrants agree that their contributions to the raffle as well as their names in connection with the raffle, the drawing, the processing or presentation of the contribution of entrants will be publicly announced to third parties by the organiser or third parties commissioned by the organiser in online as well as offline media (e.g. on the Facebook page, website, Instagram, as videos, photos or reports, or in print). To this end, entrants entitle the organiser, free of charge and unrestricted by time or place, to reproduce, distribute, make publicly accessible, display, process and forward the raffle contributions submitted to the organiser without mention of creator, in analogue and digital media, as well as transfer the aforementioned rights to third parties.
Entrants guarantee they will not submit contents
If a legal claim is made against the organiser due to illicit content or other violations of the law for which entrants are responsible, the respective entrant will release the organiser at first request and support the organiser in defending the claims. This release includes the necessary cost of bringing an action.
Recourse to the courts is not permitted with respect to the drawing of the winner and the evaluation of the contents of the contributions submitted for the raffle. The organiser reserves the right to change the conditions of participation at any time with effect for the future. A change will take place only if compelling and factual reasons are at hand, particularly of a legal, technical and economical nature. In the case of changes the organiser will inform entrants of the changes made to the conditions of participation in an adequate form and at an adequate point.
Multiple entries by one person will not be considered. By submitting a reply in the form of a posting, entrants confirm that they have read the subsequent conditions of participation and accept them without any limitation.
Personal details such as names or e-mail addresses will be collected and processed by ALCAR WHEELS GMBH solely as part of and for the purpose of determining a winner of the raffle and for the above mentioned publications. Otherwise, the data will be treated strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. ALCAR WHEELS GMBH reserves the right to delete contributions containing racist or discriminating content. Cash payment of prizes is excluded.